Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake are beautiful, but what attracts me most about Dali is actually its precious community atmosphere. If you want to know in advance what this kind of community atmosphere is, you might as well read the book “Interviews with Dali: As if There is Light”.

My yearning for Dali was deeply influenced by Jade’s podcast “Evening Breeze” . The epidemic in early 2020 finally pushed Jade to travel from Beijing to Dali and started a series of podcasts interviewing people living in Dali. In those days, I was struggling in Shenzhen. I would often listen to these podcasts and run along the seaside on weekend evenings. In those tender nights, I was gradually moved by the different life choices presented in the program. Finally, at the end of 2020, I also came to Dali and stayed for 2 months.

This is not a travelogue, nor does it cover many of Dali’s internet celebrity check-in points. It is completely the fragments that I like very much in slow travel, and it constitutes the Dali that I yearn for. In the past two months, except for three days in Shaxi Ancient Town and Jianchuan Ancient Town in Jianchuan County, one day hiking in Jizu Mountain in Binchuan County, and one day cycling around the Erhai Lake, I spent most of my time in Dali Ancient Town. Surrounding activities.

The first part introduces the places and people that attract me to Dali, and the second part shares the travel information I collected.

Part1: Interesting places and people

When I came to the ancient city of Dali, I visited Douban writer Chen Xiaochen’s Lingdang stall on Guangwu Road, listened to a live lecture by Douban digital nomad yeye at 706 Dali, and went there with Jade, the author of the podcast “Evening Breeze” In September of Dali, I met Roy and Sue, the Condor Heroes couple from Station B, while eating at Ben Su Shi Tang. It was like a huge star-chasing scene. Not to mention the other interesting people I met. Dali is a place where people are very close to each other. After participating in several activities, joining several WeChat groups, and eating a few more meals in the same restaurant, I discovered that the creators I had seen on a certain platform before were now there. Be there for you.

Dali is a place of slow life. There is a story that may be a bit extreme. A friend ordered a large plate of chicken rice bowl in a restaurant. The boss was eating, so he asked me to wait until it was finished before frying it. This made my friend wait for more than 20 minutes. There is a famous burger restaurant in Shaxi Ancient Town. The owner only makes about 20 beef burgers every day. Guests who come late can only eat other dishes, or make reservations for the next day. I came here for two meals. I didn’t even get the beef burger when I first arrived. I made a reservation for it and got it the next day.

If you come to Dali and want to quickly make friends with whom you may be able to chat, you can participate in more activities. The public account " Dali Haozai " has summarized many recent activities near the ancient city of Dali, so be sure to pay attention. Below I will also introduce some interesting places I encountered.

bensu shitang

(In a return visit in September 2022, the senior brother has opened an inn. The cafeteria has been transferred to a mother and daughter who believe in Buddhism. The chanting sound will be played during meals. The types of dishes remain the same and the taste is still delicious.)

This is a vegetarian restaurant, located next to Yiduo Cafe, a high-quality and low-price restaurant. The owner is called “Big Brother” and is also an old Douban user from the Northeast. Half of my meals are eaten here. This is Dali’s “late-night dining hall” in my mind. Visitors who come to Bensu to eat often can’t find who the boss is, and other diners will come to guide them where to scan the code, how many lunch boxes to pick up, and where to find the paper cups.

The eldest brother often lies on the deck chair at the door, wearing a pair of round glasses, reading in the sun and chatting with regular customers. You can often encounter some familiar faces and voices while eating, and you will become familiar with them if you come and go frequently.

I particularly like the limerick written on the small blackboard in front of the restaurant:

One small shop, two beings.
Eat vegetarian meals for three meals, and the four seasons will reincarnate.
End of life in Cangshan Mountain, scattering bones in Erhai Lake.
Let go of life and death and gather and disperse accordingly.

Space 42

(In 2021, Sister Lu came to Wutongshan, Shenzhen, and started classes online. In 2022, Dora, the Feldenkrais course teacher, traveled back and forth between Shenzhen and Dali, and also started classes online, with the public account “Dora’s Question Guide”. )

Public account " space 42 “. Space 42 is located in the third phase of Shanshuijian Community near Dali University outside the ancient city. It takes half an hour to get there by riding a small battery, so I often come to participate in activities. Here I came into contact with improvisational contact, free singing, shakuhachi, and Feldenkrais dynamic awareness courses for the first time. This is a world full of spirituality and tenderness.

When words stop, when feelings open. When we pay attention to the awareness of the body and the vibration of the sound, everything starts to change. What gives me a special feeling here is that when the guide asks us to do an action, I feel that I am allowed to fail, allowed not to cooperate, and allowed to fall asleep. In this pressure-free situation Now, I can play as much as I want and try out those unaccustomed moves.

At the end of the first event I attended here, the hostess Lu gave me a hug, which flattered me; at the end of the last event before leaving, Lu gave me another hug when she learned that I was leaving Dali. .

706 (Dali) Living Laboratory

The public account " 706 Dali “. 706 Dali was officially launched on December 1, 2020. It is located in a small courtyard on Yincang Road. It recruits interesting tenants who are willing to abide by the 706 community standards, and organizes sharing and lectures from time to time. At that time, a group of interesting young people gathered here, including digital nomads yeye (the public account and podcast " Not Working Commune “) and Danniel (the public account " Digital Nomad Intelligence Bureau “), as well as international students studying for Ph.D.s overseas (still remember her The excitement of childhood when someone says his thesis will revolutionize a field), former Google programmer Ren (he said, “Do what you like to the best, and opportunities will come to you”), etc. Lectures on digital nomads, South American travel, science and cognition, and careers have been held here, and I have benefited a lot.

calligraphy books

The public account " Calligraphy Books “. If you like reading, don’t miss this. Books on calligraphy are donated and of high quality. I read “You Should Fly Like a Bird to Your Mountain” and “The Buried Giant” here. The tables, chairs and atmosphere here are very close to a library, suitable for reading and working quietly (it’s just a bit cold in winter). Shuli is also an inn. If you donate 5 books, you can stay for one night for free.

September in Dali

The public account " Dali September “. If you like music, such as donbra, jazz, blues or some avant-garde music, you might as well give it a try here. This is a long-established bar in the ancient city. It is very famous among long-term residents. It is located in a small courtyard that is difficult for tourists to find. It has a bar, a courtyard, and an old hall used for performances, integrating modernity and classics. . The drinks in the bar are high quality and cheap, with a gin and tonic costing 35 yuan.

Performances usually start at 8:30 pm on Fridays and weekends, some are free, some have a fee. In the wooden house, the musicians huddled together to play passionately, the audience crowded on the straw mats and relaxed to listen. In the yard, some people were warming themselves by the fire, and some were talking. The night was gentle and the stars were twinkling.

Dali bed sheet art factory

This is a factory area south of the ancient city of Dali. Because it is separated from Renmin Road by a military management zone and is at the end of a small road, there are few tourists.

One of my favorites in the factory is the rock climbing wall transformed from a corridor. A single rock climb only costs 30 yuan. It is open every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday afternoon. Watching the sunburnt children climbing here, I feel happy and happy. envious.

Another place I like is the famous Dolphin Ade Bookstore (public account " Dolphin Ade Bookstore “), which is half book area and half coffee area. The book area also sells some literary and creative works. Books from the library area are not allowed to be brought to the coffee area, but there is a small bookshelf in the coffee area that can be read for free. If you buy a cup of coffee, it’s very comfortable to sit here all afternoon. The bookstore contains the book “Under the Cangshan Mountain” that is not available online. Dolphin Ade’s shopkeeper Ade wrote in the preface of the book:

In the real society, “mainstream values” are devouring us every second, turning us into various “categories” of people. What’s even more frightening is that when we truly enter the category of “success”, happiness does not come, and boredom and emptiness follow one after another. Because from the beginning of our extremely utilitarian education to the continuous “struggle” for “success” after entering society, there is no time and space for searching for interests. As a result, the most boring and pale well-off generation in the history of this country emerged.

– Ade

Da Bing’s House (Four Seasons Market Store) 2nd Floor

(A return visit in September 2022 found that it was closed, the Four Seasons Market was deserted, and the toilets were sealed.)

When I first arrived in Dali in November, the Elk Market was still deserted. It had been renovated before New Year’s Day. There were slides, grass, and exquisite shops. There were often bonfires at night. It was worth a visit.

Da Bing’s Hut (Four Seasons Market Store) is located in the Elk Market. There is a bar on the first floor and a 24-hour free library on the second floor. The lighting on the second floor is particularly good, so much so that in the afternoon the Dali sun scorches it like an oven. There are many and miscellaneous books, including various literary classics, essays and novels. There are long tables for working and sofas for lying down. It is suitable for bookworms to come here to read. However, due to the weather and sun, the overall look is a bit shabby, like an attic. piles of old books inside.

A suitable place for office and study

Considering that friends who live for a long time may need to work and study, here are some options you can try:

  • Ancient City Library: Next to the Confucian Temple, from the friends’ circle of friends, it looks like a normal library. free.
  • Calligraphy books: Very suitable for reading and working. The only drawback is that it is a bit cold in winter. You can skip the purchase or order a cup of tea with unlimited refills (10 yuan).
  • DaliHub Shared Office Space: The public account " DH Shared Office Space " is a shared office space co-founded by two digital nomads, yeye and Danniel. It is professional and convenient to meet some friends who work remotely or freelance. The location is near March Street, and you need to leave the ancient city and cross the West Scenic Line Highway. The rent for the workstation seems to be 600 yuan per month.
  • The second floor of Dabing’s House (Four Seasons Market Store): There are stacks of old books in the attic, as well as desks and chairs. free.
  • Wutong Academy: Located in a small alley next to the bustling Renmin Road, it is quiet in the bustle. There are not many high-quality books, but the space is large and the tables and chairs are comfortable. You can sit for free, but it seems a bit embarrassing not to buy a cup of coffee (from 30 yuan).
  • Dolphin Ade Coffee Area: The environment is very good, with jazz music in the background, but the coffee table is not high, so you may need to put your laptop on your lap. But the atmosphere of the coffee area makes the office very efficient. Coffee starts at 35 yuan.

Part 2: Dali travel information

If you are already interested and want to live in Dali for a while, then here is some travel information I have collected, I hope it will be helpful to you.

The ancient city of Dali borders Erhai Lake in the east, Cangshan Mountain in the west, Xiaguan in the south, and Xizhou in the north. There are four city gates in the east, west, south and north, namely Erhai Gate, Cangshan Gate, South Gate and North Gate. It is easy to identify the direction in the ancient city. If you look up and “see Cangshan leisurely”, you will be due west.


I came to Dali in winter (November to January) and experienced the coldest days in Dali since 2016. The biggest feature of Dali’s climate is the large temperature difference and high intensity of ultraviolet rays. Here you will strongly feel that “all things grow depending on the sun.” Most of the time, the sky is blue, with large white clouds on the top of Cangshan Mountain. The temperature ranges from 20 to 4 degrees Celsius a day, mainly determined by whether there is enough sunshine. Because the sun’s ultraviolet rays are very strong, students who mind tanning must pay attention to sun protection.

When walking or dazing in the sun, I will wear a pair of thermal underwear and a sports sweatshirt; when dark clouds come and it will get cold soon, I will add a fleece jacket. Most of the time, there is no need for a down jacket, but it is still necessary to bring one. It is enough in the coldest weather, and it can also be used when climbing Cangshan Mountain. January 11 and 12, 2021, were the coldest days I have ever encountered. The temperature was around 5 to -1 degrees Celsius. Snow seeds fell in the ancient city. I wore a light down jacket and a scarf.

Have a meal

When eating alone, my main choices are rice noodles, vegetarian buffet, and stir-fried rice bowls. A meal costs 10 to 15 yuan. Places I’ve eaten at:

  • Yirantang: There is a self-service vegetarian meal for lunch and dinner (5 yuan meal + 1 yuan paper bowl), and the background music of “Amitabha” chanting will be played. You can feel full, and the taste is relatively simple.
  • Ben Su Shi Tang: The place I go to most often has a vegetarian buffet for lunch, which costs 13 yuan per person. It includes soy milk, black rice porridge, and sometimes bread slices and egg fried rice. They are all home-cooked vegetarian dishes, and some dishes have Eggs, others are vegan, northeastern, very delicious; dinner is noodles, about 10 yuan, some noodles have green onions, you can add fried eggs, if you are vegetarian, remember to order plain noodles.
  • Yunfengyao Rice Noodles: Wangzi Braised Pork Rice Noodles, Wangzi means Maoxuewang. It tastes very delicious and only costs 12 yuan for a large bowl.
  • Original local chicken rice noodles: Erhaimen in the ancient city, the chicken soup is super good, a large bowl of local chicken rice noodles is 15 yuan.
  • Shiwu Nanbei Private Kitchen: The format is very similar to Japanese food. The boss will cook it under your eyes and serve it in front of you. It looks very high-end but the price is relatively affordable. A simple set meal is 28 yuan to 40 yuan. The boss likes to cook and does what he likes seriously.
  • Selemu halal snack: It is also quite famous. The boss said “Selemu” means “hello”. Beef rice noodles in clear soup (beef slices), braised beef rice noodles (lots of beef pieces), dry fried rice, beef sausage fried rice, and chicken sausage fried rice are all delicious; there are also many regular customers who like to eat braised beef rice noodles, which I think is a bit salty. .
  • Suxinyuan Halal Snacks: An inconspicuous little shop, the restaurant is crowded with locals, and the fried rice with shredded chicken (12 yuan) is more delicious than the colored one.
  • The local stir-fry shop opposite Dali September Restaurant: Twice-cooked pork rice bowl is really delicious, 14 yuan.
  • Sifang Street Supermarket (Yu’er Branch): Take away two meat and two vegetarian dishes for 10 yuan, or you can eat in the store for 15 yuan. I think the taste is average, with too many seasonings.
  • Beimen Vegetable Market: The place with the lowest prices in the ancient city. The fruits are delicious and cheap.
  • Nanmen Green Jade Farmers Market: Outside the south gate of the ancient city, there are many delicacies: Lemon Chicken, Xiaoyang Chicken Feet, Yang’s First Roll Noodles.

long term rental

If you stay in an inn for a long time, the monthly rent ranges from 800 to 1,800. 800-1200 is close to the usual standard room, with a 1.5m large bed, separate bathroom, small table and stools, public washing machine, kitchen, and clothes drying on the roof; if it is 1800, it has a small living room and balcony, with a sofa and a larger table. Of course, these are prices during the off-season, and some hotels may increase their prices during the peak season.

Some long-term rental information in Dali can be found in the Douban groups “Love Dali” and “Dali Rental”. You can also rent for a few days first and then visit each inn after you arrive. There are many inns in the ancient city of Dali. In addition, there are inns all around the ancient city. On Douban, the most places for rent are near the South Gate and Erhai Gate.


If you want to travel in Dali Ancient Town, it takes about 20 minutes to walk from south to north and from east to west. If your activities are more frequent, you can rent a small electric car. The Hello electric car I rented costs 169 yuan per month. It can be ridden for more than ten kilometers when fully charged and can be charged at the inn. There are no shared bicycles in the ancient city, but there are on the Erhai Greenway.

When going to other places from Dali Ancient Town, most buses depart from Xiaguan County. You can check on Ctrip.

Dali Ancient Town to Lijiang: There is a direct shuttle bus from Xiaguan City. It is said that you can wave to the bus on the Dali Highway. There is a sign to Lijiang on the window of the bus. If there is no seat, the driver will usually wave to you to indicate that there is a seat. will stop.

From Dali Ancient Town to Shaxi Ancient Town: There is a shuttle bus from Xiaguan directly to Jianchuan County Bus Terminal, which runs every 20 minutes. I caught a bus on the Dali Line Highway; when I arrived at the Jianchuan County Passenger Terminal, there was an official green minivan on the right side of the passenger terminal that went directly to Shaxi Ancient Town. Taking a bus is the cheapest, totaling 55 yuan (40+15). If you want to save trouble, you can consult at the Lanlingge Hotel in Dali Ancient Town. There is a chartered bus directly to the Lanlingge Hotel in Shaxi Ancient Town, which is said to cost more than 100.

Dali Ancient City to Jizu Mountain: There is a shuttle bus from Xiaguan directly to the entrance of Jizu Mountain scenic spot, which can be purchased on Ctrip. But the return time of the shuttle bus is too early. What I encountered was that it returned at 3 pm. If you don’t climb the mountain in the whole journey, just taking the ropeway and sightseeing bus is enough. For example, I climbed up the mountain for a while, played for a long time, and didn’t get down to the entrance until 6 o’clock. Finally, a few people chartered a bus back to Xiaguan City (70 yuan per person), and then took a bus from Xiaguan back to Dali Ancient City.

Erhai Lake

Erhai Lake is not a sea, but it is more beautiful than many seascapes, thanks to its mountains, light and clouds.

A clean sea-ring highway was built along the Erhai Lake, with the west line of the sea ring on one side and the east line of the sea ring on the other. Some sections in the middle were still under construction at the time, such as the section from Xizhou to Shangguan. The management of the Haixi Line Greenway near the ancient city is very strict. Only bicycles are allowed, and electric bicycles and other motor vehicles are prohibited. Electric bicycles can also be ridden in other places on the Haixi Line Greenway. The Haidong Line is more relaxed and the road is wide. There are red bicycle lanes on most sections of the road, and passenger cars, large trucks and luxury sports cars rented by tourists for taking photos are common on the road.

The closest seaside to the ancient city is Caicun Pier, to the south is the more famous Longkan Pier, and a little further to the north is Shuangyuanxi Park. This is a great place to take your family for a picnic on the grass in the afternoon. There are large grasslands and woods of different brown and yellow colors by the water. The bright sunshine shines through the clouds and it is so quiet that you can hear the sound of water and the chirping of birds. It feels like you are in a fairy tale. world. Of course, these three sea-ringing greenways also attract many tourists to take photos and check in. There are often seagulls circling at Longchun Pier.

In the afternoon on the Haidong route, you can have a panoramic view of Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake. The sunshine and cloud cover are just right, and the scenery is very good. Shuanglang Ancient Town is a beautiful scenic spot. In addition to the famous Sun Palace, the buildings here also have seaside characteristics and are suitable for taking pictures. Mountains and sea are both great backgrounds, so many couples taking wedding photos are also common on the Haidong Line.

The entire Erhai loop is about 128 kilometers. Riding a mountain bike starts from Erhai Gate to the north and passes through Caicun, Xiayi Village, Majiuyi Village, Shuangyuanxi Park, Haiji Park in Xizhou, and passes through Shangguan Town and Shuanglang Ancient Town. , Waise Wharf, Little Putuo Island, Luoquan Peninsula, Jinsuo Island, along Airport Road to the city, Erhai Park, and finally return to the city from the south gate. It lasted 11 and a half hours, starting at 9 a.m. and returning at 8:30 p.m. It gets dark around 7pm. It will be very cold when riding after dark, so you need gloves to keep warm. I was exhausted from the journey back to the ancient city from Xiaguan City, and my butt hurt from riding for a long time. I rode for a while and pushed for a while, and finally returned to the city.

Cycling is not recommended for most people because it requires physical fitness and food reserves. Most of the road sections are actually quite boring. You have to squeeze in with big cars. Mountain biking is really annoying. There are electric cars for rent in the ancient city with a large amount of electricity that can go around the sea. The prices are not cheap, but it is fast and easy to go around. You can stop at any time when you encounter a good scenery. It is recommended for ordinary tourists.

Climbing Cangshan Mountain

The highest point of Cangshan Mountain is 4,000 meters above sea level. There are three cableways from south to north, namely Gantong Cableway, Ximatan Cableway and Zhonghe Cableway. The Zhonghe Cableway is almost in a straight line with the north wall of the ancient city. The Ximatan Cableway is almost in a straight line with the south wall of the ancient city. It goes down past the Tianlong Babu Film and Television City. The Gantong Cableway is the farthest and is usually the starting point for tourists to climb.

The most classic route to the top: Gantong Cableway-Ximatan Cableway middle station-top of the mountain-Ximatan Cableway lower station-Tianlong Babu Film and Television City.感通索道to the mountainside, follow玉带路to洗马潭索道中站, take the Ximatan Cableway to the山顶, wear a down jacket on Cangshan Mountain at an altitude of 4,000 meters to see the distance, and then take the Ximatan Cableway down to天龙八部影视城, and finally return to the ancient city. The top of the mountain is nearly 4,000 meters above sea level. Down jackets are required and can also be rented on the mountain. Students who suffer from altitude sickness should remember to buy a small portable oxygen tank at the bottom of the mountain. (When I went to climb Cangshan Mountain in late November 2020, due to a landslide, the middle station and lower station of the Ximatan Cableway were closed, and I could not go down to the Film and Television City)

The other is the Yudai Road travel route: Gantong Cableway - Yudai Road - Zhonghe Temple - Zhonghe Cableway - March Street. If you are more interested in walking the Yudai Road, you can not take the Ximatan Cableway up the mountain from the middle station, but continue along玉带路to中和寺and take中和索道down the mountain. The entire Yudai Road is about 11.5 kilometers. You must consider your time, because the last train of the Zhonghe Cableway leaves at about 4:30. The cableway is very slow, and it takes about 20 minutes to get down to the foot of the mountain. If you can’t catch the cableway, you can also go down the mountain along the path. The trail is just below the ropeway.

The reason why many people choose to start from the Gantong Temple Cableway is because this section has the most attractions, while the Zhonghe Cableway section has very few.寂照庵the internet celebrity’s check-in spot, is right at the entrance to Gantong Temple Cableway. There are many succulents in Jizhao’an, and the whole layout is small and exquisite. Many tourists will come here to eat vegetarian food at 11:30 noon. It costs 20 yuan per person. No leftovers are allowed, otherwise You will be punished by washing dishes. After lunch, we started an afternoon hiking trip from Gantong Cableway. You can go directly to Jizhao Temple by taking a taxi, which saves you a lot of walking on a steep mountain road and saves energy.

The above is my first experience of climbing Cangshan Mountain. I don’t like the smoothness of Yudai Road. Hiking shoes will get tired easily after walking on such a smooth road for a long time. The experience of climbing Cangshan Mountain for the second time was more comfortable. At that time, we were led by friends who were familiar with the road. We went up the mountain from the path beside the Three Pagodas. There were thick pine needles all the way, and we walked through the horse paths in the forest. The sun shone through the treetops. Entering the forest, the wind blew the pine waves, and we shared our experiences and fruits. It was such a quiet afternoon. After reaching Yudai Road, we walked a little further to Zhonghe Temple. We took a small path down the mountain from Zhonghe Temple. With the help of gravity and the cushioning of trekking poles, we went down the mountain very quickly.

If possible, hiking on dirt roads is my preferred way. However, there is a large temperature difference in Cangshan Mountain, especially the route above Yudai Road, which is risky and requires a guide. Forest fire prevention is a heavy responsibility. Please do not carry fire on the mountain.

Shaxi Ancient Town

After arriving in Dali Ancient City for a month, people kept telling me that there are two other places in Dali that are worth visiting, one is Shaxi Ancient Town and the other is Jizu Mountain. Finally, at the right moment, I set off. The transportation methods from Dali Ancient City to Shaxi Ancient Town have been introduced in the “Travel” section.

Shaxi Ancient Town in Jianchuan County is a more secluded place than Dali Ancient City. Some people say that it is just like Dali Ancient City a few years ago. There are not many inns in the ancient town, concentrated in the northeastern area. The other parts are still the living places of small town residents. It is very similar to the small town where I grew up. Even the market every Friday is very similar to the morning market in my hometown. , crowded with ordinary people selling various agricultural and sideline products, but foreigners are often seen in the market in Shaxi Ancient Town, and Chinese guides explain to them what products are sold here.

If you want to experience secluded pastoral life, this is the place for you. The ancient town is full of quaint houses, and the area near the ancient stage is very beautiful and easy to take pictures. There is the arched Yujin Bridge to the east of the ancient town. Walk for 1 kilometer on the country road and you will arrive at the popular “Pioneer Shaxi Bai Bookstore”, with earthy Shaxi red walls and tall bookshelves in the bookstore. There is a wide range of books and a cafe next to it. You can explore every corner of the ancient town in one day. At night, the place is shrouded in darkness, leaving only the lights of the inn. When you look up, you can see the sky full of stars.

The next day, I didn’t know where to go, so I was basking in the sun on the roof of the youth hostel. I listened to the lambs bleating in the house downstairs. Next to me was the tiled roof of the neighbor’s house that was drying out jelly. Stay for a while. We walked to Yujin Bridge and walked slowly north along the creek, forgetting the passage of time.

In the Northeast area, there are also some interesting shops. For example, after eating the beef burger at “Xiang12 Western Restaurant”, Anyanshi, the UP owner of Station B, said it reminded him of the taste of Australia. Only about 20 beef burgers are made every day. They are very popular and can be reserved in advance. There is also the Tangkou Youth Hostel where I stayed for two nights. The owner and his friends often play darts downstairs. They play very professionally.

Jizu Mountain

Jizu Mountain in Binchuan County is one of the ten famous mountains in Buddhism and is the ashram of Gayapa Bodhisattva. I don’t know the specific meaning. The transportation methods from Dali Ancient City to Jizu Mountain have been introduced in the “Travel” section. There are many temples and nunneries on the mountain. If you take the sightseeing bus and cableway directly to the Jinding Temple, you will miss many temples on the road, including the Gaye Temple. You can take sightseeing buses and ropeways when going up the mountain and walk down the mountain. This saves energy and does not miss the scenic spots, although it may hurt your knees. I climbed up the Golden Summit. I wonder if it was because of the altitude of 3,000 meters. I was out of breath while going up the mountain.

Many temples on the mountain provide accommodation, fast meals, and morning and evening classes. The accommodation conditions I saw in Gaye Hall were a bit like a youth hostel, with dormitories, single beds, and electric blankets, and the prices were cheap. In the side yard of Gaye Hall, there is a lotus pedestal, which looks particularly Zen-like in the mountains. When I went there, I saw a monk wearing a yellow cotton jacket, meditating with his eyes closed in the sun.

The above is the entire content of “Guide to Living in Dali”. If you have any comments and suggestions, please feel free to leave me a message.

Reference notes

  1. This Douban article is a very detailed life guide summarized by a senior brother who has been in Dali for many years. It involves the food, clothing, housing, transportation, convenient services, and medical information in the ancient city of Dali
  2. “Living Elsewhere” directed by Zhang Yang, Dali ten years ago
  3. Bilibili video of Roy and Sue, the Condor Heroes couple who sing, shoot videos and tell stories while traveling
  4. I saw the beef burger at “Xiang 12 Western Restaurant” in Shaxi Ancient Town in the Shaxi travel video of Anyan City, the UP host of Station B